YES, OVER 18+!

Lairon Pokédex stats moves evolution locations

Lairon: The Rock-Steel Pokémon Lairon is known for its unique combination of Steel and Rock types. It evolves from Aron at level 32 and further advances into Aggron at level 42. With its robust metallic body and rock-hard shell, this Pokémon is a force to be reckoned with in battles. One of the standout traits of Lairon is its exceptional defensive abilities. Its steel armor provides superior protection against physical attacks, while its rocky skin grants it resilience against most types of damage. This makes it an ideal choice for trainers who value endurance and attrition in battles. Training Tips for this Pokémon: Focus on increasing Lairon Defense and Special Defense stats to maximize its defensive prowess. Teach Lairon moves like Iron Defense and Metal Burst to enhance its defensive capabilities further. Consider pairing this Pokémon with Pokémon that can provide defensive support or cover its weaknesses. When battling against Lairon, trainers should be cautious of its weaknesses. Despite its immense defenses, Lairon is particularly vulnerable to Ground, Fighting, Water, and Grass type moves. Exploiting these weaknesses can be key to defeating this formidable Pokémon. Conclusion: With its commanding presence and exceptional defenses, Lairon is a formidable Pokémon that can hold its own against a variety of opponents. Its unique combination of Steel and Rock types makes it a highly sought-after addition to any trainer's team. Train your Lairon well, and it will prove to be an invaluable asset in battles.

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